Ordinance | Meeting Date | Ordinance File |
2022-09 Amending City Budget 2021-2022 | Tue, 09/20/2022 | 2022-09_amending_city_budget_2021-2022.pdf |
2022-10 Raise Revenue and Adopt Budget City of Orangeburg 2022-2023 | Tue, 09/20/2022 | 2022-10_raise_revenue_and_adopt_budget_2022-2023.pdf |
2022-11 Adopting Amended Natural Gas Rates effective 12-1-2022 | Tue, 11/15/2022 | 2022-11_adopting_amended_natural_gas_rates_effective_12-1-2022.pdf |
2023-01 Ordinance to Amend change to Zoning District Map from A-1 to O-I | Tue, 01/17/2023 | 2023-01_ordinance_zoning_change_from_a-1_to_o-i_properties_st._matthews_rd_01-17-2023.pdf |
2023-02 Ordinance to approve Amendment to Article 24-4.1A-6; B-2 Central Business District | Tue, 01/17/2023 | 2023-02_ordinance_amendment_to_article_24-4.1a.6_b-2_central_bus._district_01-17-2023.pdf |
2023-03 Ordinance to approve annexation of 100 and 400 University Village Drive | Tue, 03/07/2023 | 2023-03_ordinance_approve_annexation_100_and_400_university_drive.pdf |
2023-04 Ordinance to approve Annexation of 180 Magnolia St TMS# 0172-11-01-002.000 and 0172-11-01-017.000 | Tue, 03/21/2023 | 2023-04_ordinance_annexation_of_180_magnolia_st_tms_0172-11-01-0002.000_and_0172-11-01-017.000_03-21-2023.pdf |
2023-05 Ordinance amending Article VIII to provide Public Safety Citizens Advisory Panel (CAP) | Tue, 03/21/2023 | 2023-05_ordinance_amending_article_viii_provide_public_safety_citizens_advisory_panel_cap_03-21-2023.pdf |
2023-06 Annexation of Property 3397 Broughton St TMS# 0151-15-11-001.000 | Tue, 04/04/2023 | 2023-06_annexation_of_property_3397_broughton_st_tms_0151-15-11-001.000_04-04-2023.pdf |
2023-07 Transfer of Property, Pinebrook Street TMS#0151-16-06-013.000 | Tue, 04/04/2023 | 2023-07_ordinance_authorizing_transfer_of_property_pinebrook_street_tms0151-16-06-013.000.pdf |
All ordinances created prior to 2019. Each year links to one PDF that has all ordinances for the year.